Teji Mandi

Recommendations made by various investment managers along with Motilal Oswal Research team in Cash, Futures and in pre-defined baskets.

Generate index-beating returns with our actively managed portfolios based on your risk profile at affordable prices. We offer two robust portfolios for long-term investing led by ingenious back tested strategies.

Teji Mandi Flagship

A Multi-Cap portfolio of 15-20 stocks that consists of tactical bets with long-term winners that generate index-beating returns.

  • Investment (₹)
  • 2Y CAGR
Multiplier Portfolio

Concentrated portfolio of fundamentally strong small & midcap stocks that are likely to show potential growth.

  • Investment (₹)
  • 2Y CAGR


Teji Mandi is a SEBI-registered advisory service and a subsidiary of Motilal Oswal Financial Services that provides index-beating portfolios at fixed, affordable fees.

Teji Mandi offers actively managed equity portfolios led by unique strategies at affordable prices. We provide regular rebalance updates, weekly portfolio updates, daily market or sectoral research newsletters, exclusive webinars and more!

Teji Mandi is a fee-only advisory. We don’t charge commissions or hidden fees for our services (broker charges are not included). We provide actively managed portfolios and charge a nominal fixed fee regardless of the amount you invest. All Teji Mandi features and offerings are available with any active portfolio subscription.

The investment ticket size for Teji Mandi portfolios depends on the value of the stocks present in the portfolio. Each Teji Mandi portfolio consists of 15 to 20 stocks. The average ticket size for Flagship is around ₹24,000, and for the Multiplier portfolio, it’s ₹32,000. Since we cannot buy partial stocks in India, this is the minimum amount needed to have a balanced and diversified portfolio.

As investors ourselves, we understand what it takes to establish a strong portfolio and what aspects to look for. Not only are the Teji Mandi portfolios managed by a team with decades of experience, but we also ensure our users understand the logic behind all our stock entries and exits.

Apart from the portfolio led by ingenious strategy, we provide regular rebalance updates, weekly portfolio updates, daily market or sectoral research newsletters, exclusive webinars and more. These benefits can be availed with a simple fixed-fee subscription to Teji Mandi.

Investing in Teji Mandi's portfolio is extremely simple.

  1. Select your preferred portfolio and its subscription plan
  2. Complete payment for portfolio subscription
  3. Answer a few questions and confirm your risk profile
  4. Tap on ‘Invest Now’ to buy all recommended stocks in the portfolio
  5. Once all orders have been placed, you have successfully invested in the Teji Mandi portfolio

The stocks chosen for the Teji Mandi portfolios are stored in your Demat account. As a result, you have the flexibility and sufficient liquidity to withdraw your money at any moment. However, we highly advise investing long-term in getting the best results.

You can contact Teji Mandi’s support team via email at support@tejimandi.com or contact us at +919321283592.


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