The stock market in India is not open 24x7. Rather, there are predetermined stock market timings during which the market is active and trading occurs. If you are a retail investor, you need to be aware of these timings, so you can plan your trades accordingly.
There are two major stock exchanges in India, namely the Bombay stock exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE). The stock market timings for both of these exchanges are the same. Let’s take a closer look at the different share market timings in India.
Stock market timings in India
The stock market timings can be divided into different categories depending on the activities that are supported during each period. Check out the three key segments that go into making up a typical trading day in the Indian stock market.
9:12 AM to 9:15 AM
This is simply a segment in the pre-opening session that bridges the pre-market segment with the regular trading session. No new orders can be placed during this time.
Segment 2: Normal trading hours
The normal trading hours in the Indian stock market range from 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM. These hours are what may be typically known as the regular stock market timings in India. All orders placed during these trading hours will be executed as per the bilateral order matching system, where buy and sell orders are matched and prices are determined based on the demand and supply of different shares and securities. As a result of such bilateral order matching, there may be a great deal of price volatility in the stock market. This leads to fluctuations and changes in the prices of securities. It is to control this kind of volatility that the pre-opening session — with its multilateral order matching process — was introduced in the stock market timings in India.
Special trading hours: After Market Orders (AMO) and Muhurat trading
Aside from the pre-market, regular and post-closing sessions outlined above, there are also special trading hours that you should know about.
Knowing the share market timings in India can help you plan your trades smartly and sensibly. That said, ensure that you do not enter into any risky trades right after the stock market opening time in India or just before the market closing time. Take some time to understand the direction in which the market is moving and keep an eye on the news to identify any potential market triggers. This will help you utilise the stock market timings optimally and minimise losses.